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New Extended Daily Prayer (John Eldredge)


Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit––I come to you now to be restored in you, renewed in you, to be one with you in all things. I pause to give everyone and everything to you, Lord, in order to have you. Everyone, and everything. [Pause, and release] I honor you as Lord, and I consecrate every aspect of my life totally and completely to you.  I give you my spirit, soul and body; my heart, mind, and will.  I cleanse myself with your blood, Jesus—spirit, soul, body, heart, mind and will.  I ask the Holy Spirit to restore me in you, renew our union, and lead this time of prayer.  In all that I now pray, I include my wife and children. I bring them under your authority and covering. I ask the Holy Spirit to restore them in you, renew them in you, and apply to them all that I now pray, acting as their head.  In all that I now pray, I stand in total agreement with your Spirit, and with all those praying for me by the Spirit, in heaven and on earth.

Dearest God, holy and victorious Trinity, you alone are worthy of all my worship, my heart’s devotion, my praise, my trust and the glory of my life.  I love you, I worship you, I give myself over to you in my heart’s search for life.  You alone are Life, and you have become my life.  I renounce all other gods, I renounce the self-life, and I give you the place in my hearts and in my life that you truly deserve.  This is all about you, God. You are the Hero of this story, and I belong to you. I ask your forgiveness for my every sin.  Search me, know me and reveal to me where you are working in my life today, and grant to me the grace of your healing, deliverance, and a deep, true repentance. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me and choosing me before you made the world.  You are my true Father—my Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, my saving God.  I love you, I trust you, I worship you.  I give myself over to you, Father, to be one with you as Jesus is one with you.  Thank you for proving your love for me in Jesus. I receive all his life and all his work again, which you provided for me.  Thank you for including me in Christ, forgiving my sins, imparting to me his righteousness, for making me whole and complete in him.  Thank you for making me alive with Christ, raising me with him, seating me with him at your right hand, establishing me in your authority, and anointing me with your Glory, Love, and Kingdom.  I receive it all with thanks and give it total claim to my life—my spirit, soul, and body, heart, mind and will.  I bring the life and work of the Lord Jesus over my life today, over my wife and children, my home and household – throughout my kingdom and domain.

Jesus, thank you for coming to ransom me and restore me. I honor you as Lord; I love you, worship you, trust you.  I give myself over to you, to be one with you in all things.  I receive all the work and triumph of your cross, death, blood and sacrifice again, through which my every sin is atoned for, I am ransomed and transferred to your kingdom, my sin nature is removed, my heart circumcised to God, and every claim being made against me is disarmed this day.  I take my place in your cross and death, dying with you to sin, the self-life, the world, the Evil One and his kingdom.  I take up the cross and crucify the self-life with all its pride, arrogance, unbelief, and idolatry.  Holy Spirit, apply to me all the work in the cross, death, blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  I receive it with thanks and give it total claim to my life.

I now bring the blood and sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ over, around and throughout my life today, my wife and children, my home and household – throughout my kingdom and domain.  I bring the blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ against Satan, his kingdom, the world, against every foul and unclean spirit, every foul power and black art, every witch, and every human being––their sin, warfare and all they are projecting to me.

Jesus, I also sincerely receive you as my Life, and I receive all the work and triumph of your resurrection. I give my life to you to live your life today, dead to sin and alive to God.  I take my place in your resurrection and in your life. I am saved by your life.  I reign in life through your life.  I receive your hope, joy, love and faith, your glory, beauty, goodness and trueness, your wisdom, cunning, and strength.  Holy Spirit, apply to me all the work and triumph in the resurrection of Jesus Christ for me.  I receive it with thanks and give it total claim to my life.

I bring the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and the River of Life over, around and throughout my life today, my wife and children, my home and household - throughout my kingdom and domain.  I bring the resurrection and the River of Life against all Death, Destruction and Decreation. Against Satan and his kingdom, the world, against every foul and unclean spirit, every foul power and black art, every witch, and against every human being––their sin, warfare and all they are projecting to me.

Jesus, I also sincerely receive your authority, rule, and dominion. I receive all the work and triumph in your ascension––Satan has been judged and cast down, all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to you.  All authority in the heaven realms and all authority on this earth has been given to you, Lord Jesus, and you are worthy to receive all glory and honor, power and dominion, now and forever.  I take my place now in your ascension, and in your throne, raised with you to the right hand of the Father and established in your authority.  I bring all things of my home and household, my kingdom and domain, under Your Rule and into Your Kingdom. And I command the authority and jurisdiction of the Lord Jesus Christ over, around and throughout my life today, my wife and children, home and household––throughout my kingdom and domain. 

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I call down Fire and Glory, full and final judgment upon the forces of darkness coming against me, my household and domain––every ruler, power, authority and spiritual force of wickedness, all creatures and entities of every kind, their every weapon and device.  [Pause – name them…] I command full and final judgment on every fallen being assaulting me, unless they have permission to go immediately to the throne of the Lord Jesus Christ. Fire and Glory to consume all that is raised against me and my household.

I command the blood and sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, I call down Fire and Glory to destroy every foul power, witchcraft and black art raised against me and my household. This includes all rituals and sacrifices, all curses, every form of foul device–written, spoken, unspoken or transferred to me.  I order it all destroyed with Fire and Glory, along with every empowering spirit, all the way back to its sources, in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and in his Name. I order every human spirit serving or being used by Satan and the forces of darkness against me arrested by the Heavenly Host and taken before the throne of Jesus Christ for immediate judgment.

I command Fire and Glory against all “Broadcasting and Programming.” I bring the blood of Christ, his Fire and Glory against the World, and all that is coming through the World. I bring the love of God, the blood and glory of Jesus Christ between me and every human being – their sin, warfare, and all they are projecting to me (you might need to name certain people). I command their human spirits bound back to their bodies; I order their sin, warfare and projection cleansed from me and my household now by the blood of Christ and Holy Fire.

Holy Spirit, thank you for coming.  I love you, I worship you, I trust you.  I receive all the work and victory in Pentecost, through which you have come, you have clothed me with power from on high, sealed me in Christ; you have become my union with the Father and the Son, the Spirit of truth in me, the life of God in me.  I honor you as Lord, and I fully give to you every aspect and dimension of my spirit, soul and body, heart, mind and will.  Fill me afresh.  Restore my union with the Father and the Son.  Lead me into all truth.  Anoint me for the day, the week and the Hour.  Lead me deeper into Jesus today. Guide me in every decision and every encounter. I receive you with thanks, and I give you total claim to my life.

Once again I cleanse myself with the blood of Christ––spirit, soul, and body, heart, mind and will.  I put on your full armor. I choose to pray at all times in the Spirit. I summon the Heavenly Host now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, with love and honor, and I ask their help in all things. I ask them to fulfill every order and command in all dimensions; to destroy all that is raised against me and my household. Let the canopies, hedges and shields of protection be restored and sealed again over my home.  I ask your angels to minister to me, and to be my constant companions today.

Jesus––I ask you to send forth your Spirit and raise up a full canopy of prayer and intercession for me in heaven and on earth. I now call forth the very fullness of the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout my home and household, all my kingdom and domain.  All of this I command through the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, with all glory and honor and thanks to him.


Credit: Wild at Heart

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